Renewal Ministries Fellowship - Uniting and Mobilizing the Body of Christ
......................"..we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor. 4:5)
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  Jesus' life:




For those seeking fulfillment of their spiritual hunger...
Many people have strong opinions on politics, football, fashion or even what makes good television, but ultimately what really matters most to us are our relationships with others. As important as work, money, leisure and sport might appear, most people put loving, healthy relationships as the top priority in their lives.

This priority has heightened over recent years in the midst of wars, distress, global terrorism and increased uncertainty. We have been challenged to re-examine our priorities and reflect on the things that really matter.

As human beings we yearn for love, acceptance and belonging. And yet sadly so many people are missing out on this deepest longing of the heart. With wars and internal disputes, the break-up of so many marriages and families and the increasing fragmentation of our communities, many people struggle with separation and loneliness, some even feelings of alienation.

Our yearning for relationship shouldn’t surprise us! The Bible tells us that God created all human beings for relationship; with Him and with each other. He made us to relate!

Jesus Christ captures this tremendous truth in what has become known in the Bible as the Greatest Commandment. In this great maxim for life, Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love others. In other words, Jesus says that without a personal relationship with God there will always be something missing in our lives. He says elsewhere in the Bible that without this most important relationship in place, we can never experience the fullness of life.

Many people talk about that “missing thing” in their lives. Some of these people have been at the margins of our society, struggling to make ends meet, while others present as successful, affluent people, who may seem to have it all! But they still speak of that inner yearning for more!

All around us we see people seeking to meet this yearning, seeking to re-connect with spirituality in one form or another. You may find yourself at this place right now. Our yearning for spirituality reminds us that as human beings we are more than just flesh and bones. There is within all of us a deeper longing, a spiritual hunger.

While you can look to many different sources to satisfy this hunger, there is only one source that will meet your deepest need and that is a personal relationship with God, who created your spiritual hunger in the first place!

The Bible affirms that our deepest human longing for love, acceptance and meaning can only be met as a person re-connects with their Creator God.

This re-connection is made possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth 2000 years ago to live, die and conquer death, so that a restored relationship with God could be made possible.

And what a life-changing difference such a re-connection makes!

Such a relationship doesn’t change our life circumstances overnight. It doesn’t suddenly make all our problems disappear. But it does allow us to look upon life with a new perspective and hope for the future.

Suddenly life has new meaning and purpose and there is nothing like knowing that you are loved and accepted by the God of the Universe! There is nothing like knowing that no matter what anyone else thinks about you, the One who made you, your Heavenly God, loves you as his own precious child.

Now that’s a relationship worth pursuing! A personal relationship with a loving God, who can satisfy your deepest longings for love, forgiveness, acceptance and purpose for living.

And more than that, through such a relationship there is the promise of eternal life. You no longer need to fear death, but rather see it as a doorway to heaven and a never-ending relationship with God, free from all the pain and suffering of our human experience. That’s what Jesus’ death and resurrection has achieved for all of us. Through a relationship with Jesus we can find peace in the here and now and eternal security for the future. We can find hope in an uncertain world.

Let me encourage you to read on to find out more about how you can discover such a life-changing relationship for yourself, how you can re-connect with the God who created you and loves you!

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.”
[1 John 3:1]

"God demonstrates his love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
[Romans 5:8]

Jesus says: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is this, love others as you love yourself." [Matthew 22:37-39]


Step one in the re-connecting process comes as we acknowledge that God is our Creator and that He, rightfully as our Maker, has a claim our lives. As we acknowledge this we are confronted with the reality that we have all turned our backs on God and are guilty of failing to live as he would want us to.

Once we have acknowledged that we are out of relationship with God, we need to accept that there is only one way back to God and that is through accepting what Jesus Christ has done for us. There is nothing that any human being can do to restore our broken relationship with God. No one can earn there way back to God and it’s not simply a matter of seeking to live a good life.

The Bible tells us that God sent his only Son to planet earth 2000 years ago to make a restored relationship with him a possibility. Jesus came to earth to provide the only way back to God, by dying on the Cross. Through his innocent death he took on the punishment we deserved for turning our backs on God. Through Jesus, re-connection with God is a reality today!

With the re-connection to God made possible through Jesus, what we need to do is surrender our lives to Jesus. That means thanking Jesus for what he has done for you and committing yourself to following him. It means giving over control of your life to him and seeking to live your life in a way that is pleasing to him. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to those who surrender their lives to him. The Spirit comes to comfort, guide and empower us for living.

Take a step today … re-connecting with your loving God can begin here and now!

A Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ:
Lord thank you for loving me and coming to earth to show us the way. I believe you died to pay for my sin and that you rose from the dead to give me new and eternal life. Please forgive me for my failure in the past to acknowledge you or follow in your ways. I admit I am a sinful person and I now want to place my faith in you as my Lord and Saviour, confident of your love, forgiveness and care for me.

Lord Jesus thank you for forgiving me and giving me the opportunity to personally re-connect with my Creator God. Thank you God that you love me and have made me to be in a personal relationship with you. Lord, through your Spirit, show me the way to live and help me to re-orient my life around you and your purposes. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Thank you for taking the time to read this brief introduction to the Christian faith. It is likely that you still may have some questions about what it means to follow Jesus and re-connect with God. Such questions are very understandable, so let me encourage you to seek out the answers you are looking for.

Don’t end your search here! Remember the God who made you and loves you longs to re-connect with you today!

You can Contact Us with any questions that you have about following Jesus and living connected with God.

Renewal -Rebirth, Regeneration, Restoration, Rekindling, Revitalisation, Replenishment & Revival. Exalting Jesus - Restoring, Equipping, Releasing & Supporting People...


Some Resources to Help YOU
Connect with God

~ today we are blessed to have the scriptures freely available online in many languages.  To choose a Bible to read or listen to click here.

Growing up in 1st century Israel, Jesus and all of His initial disciples would have memorised their scriptures by the age of 13. They were also well schooled in reasoning and discussing through the implications for every day life. Most important of all was living what the scriptures taught. Such daily living of the love for both God and man profoundly alters every relationship and every aspect of life. Read the Bible and find out for yourself.

School for Disciples
School for Disciples focuses on discipling people to disciple others.
Read more >

Discover Jesus
The Discover Jesus Course is a way to connect and learn about Jesus together.
Read more >

 One with ChristThe One with Christ Bible Study series focuses on experiencing the reality of love and intimacy with God.
Read more

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© 2016 Renewal Ministries Fellowship
"...May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me
  and have

..loved them..." (John 17:23)