Ministries Fellowship is committed to the Word of God and to making it accessible to all. As part of this commitment we have uploaded the following versions/languages of the Bible onto our site so you can freely read the whole Bible online. We also provide links on this page to other Bible websites and audio Bible sites.
Multitudes do not have their own Bible. If that is true for you or members of your congregation do not allow this lack to hinder your learning of the scriptures or growth in Christ. Even if just one person in your village has a mobile phone that can access the internet you can read the scriptures online and have everyone repeat it over and over until you have memorised that portion. Then go on to memorise the next.
In Jesus' time learning took place orally between a rabbi and his disciples. It was through memorization that Jesus and His disciples learnt the scriptures as children. Memorization continued to be important throughout Jesus’ ministry because people did not have their own copy of the Scriptures, Jesus didn’t write books or give handouts and the disciples didn’t take notes or have a digital recording device. It is memorization which allowed these words to pass from one generation to the next without their being lost. Memorization is what preserved the teachings of our Master for us so that it could be written down a generation or more after it was transmitted. Memorization was a key component in being a good disciple. It should still be seen as having this value for us today.
Most of the time when Jesus or His disciples quoted Scripture it was from memory as they did not have it in front of them to read. Jesus did not have a set of scrolls with Him when he answered each of the Devil’s temptations with scripture – such were kept in the Synagogue and Jesus was out in the wilderness with nothing but what He had hidden in His heart.
As we don’t know what tomorrow holds it is wise for every one of us to learn and memorise as much of the Scriptures as we can – God’s Word can help us remain secure in Christ through the darkest times. Memory is enhanced by reciting aloud, a practice still widely used in Middle Eastern education. Constant repetition was considered to be an essential element of learning in Jesus’ time and can still help us learn the scriptures today.
King James Version For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Albanian Bible Sepse Perëndia e deshi aq botën, sa dha Birin e tij të vetëmlindurin, që, kushdo që beson në të, të mos humbasë, por të ketë jetë të përjetshme.
Basic English Bible For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life.
Chinese Bible 神 爱 世 人 , 甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。
French Bible Dieu a tant aimé le monde, qu'il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse pas, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle.
Greek New Testament outôs gar êgapêsen o theos ton kosmon ôste ton uion tsb=autou ton monogenê edôken ina pas o pisteuôn eis auton mê apolêtai all echê zôên aiônion
Indonesian Bible Karena Allah begitu mengasihi manusia di dunia ini, sehingga Ia memberikan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan mendapat hidup sejati dan kekal.
Norwegian Bible For så har Gud elsket verden at han gav sin Sønn, den enbårne, forat hver den som tror på ham, ikke skal fortapes, men ha evig liv;
Russian Bible Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную.
Serbian Bible Jer Bogu tako omile svet da je i Sina svog Jedinorodnog dao, da nijedan koji Ga veruje ne pogine, nego da ima život veèni.
Spanish Bible Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
Our thanks to Bible Database for providing these Bibles freely to be uploaded onto this site. You can find out more about them and download Bibles in many different languages from their site:

Bible.Is Their goal is to provide God's Word in audio freely to every person. Follow the steps on their web page to download up to three versions of your favorite Scriptures on your Mac or PC - FREE!
This website provide a wide variety of audio and written Bibles in many different languages:
Bible.Is also provide a mobile phon e app for audio Bibles and much more. offers mobile access to Scripture in more languages than any other Bible App, and includes dramatized Audio Bible and The JESUS Film Project. READ the Bible, LISTEN to the Bible, and SEE the Bible as never before with anyone in the world.
Click on this logo to download and enjoy the following benefits:
- FREE Holy Bible, sharing the word of God in over 800+ languages.
- Search Bibles by language or by country.
- Choose your display language: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, Farsi / Persian, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Thai. and many more…
- Download text and audio Bibles for offline reading and listening anytime, anywhere.
- Search for keywords, book names, and specific verses.
- Bookmark, highlight, and add notes. You’re one tap away from simple Bible study tools.
- See God’s Word come to life in 61 video segments from The JESUS Film Project. Available in hundreds of languages with new languages added regularly.
Faith Comes by Hearing Announcing the Global Bible Network offering hope to 6 billion people through Bible recordings in 982 languages. From free Bible apps and MP3s to audio Bible podcasts and Proclaimers, their mission is to pro vide people everywhere with free access to God's Word through audio Biblesin every translated language.
Word Project: Free Audio Bibles in the major languages of the world. ... If using an Android device please download and use our Audio Bible App to read and listen to the Bible ...
Bibles (Free) On-line Bibles, concordances, Bible dictionaries
and commentaries
Tagnet (Free) On-line Bibles, concordances, Bible dictionaries and commentaries
Bible Study Software (Free) This is an excellent resource that you can download onto your computer.
Letter Bible (Free) Searchable Bible, Commentaries, Audio.
BibleGateway (Free) Multiple modern translations available via Gospelcom.
Bible (Free)
Christianity Electronic Bibles (Free) Comprehensive list of
on-line Bibles, in English and other languages, both ancient and
Wide Study Bible (Free) Cross-linked resources organized by
Bible (Free) Available from Crosswalk
Bibles (Free) Available from the University of Chicago.
The Discovery Bible: to empower people everywhere to appreciate the rich beauty of Scripture contained in the original Hebrew and Greek languages.

Bible Discovery: The Bible-Discovery program is downloadable freeware that includes several different translations of the scriptures plus dictionaries, commentaries ad other resurces to help you dig deeper.

The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® along with helpful preparation notes, study questions, and action steps.