Below you will find links to Christian Ministries, Resources and Training to encourage your walk with God and equip you for His service - most of them free. There are also opportunities for service in supporting indeginous missionaries, the persecuted church and needy children. We pray that God will guide you in the areas that He has called you to.
See also our On-Line Library for links to thousands of Bible Study resources, journals, books, periodiclas and other reference materials to assist you in your study of God's Word.
Christian Search Engine To search for an exact phrase put it in "double quotes". To
search for all words, enter them without quotes. Title only
Title and Description
(Include the URL and Title of the site you would like added to our Links page.) We are committed to listing Web sites that are Christian in content and nature - that glorify God and exhalt Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We will review all submissions and reserve the right to refuse any Web site for any reason.
CROSS FAITH MINISTRY is a Christian website developed by William T Hannaford where you will find biblical History, scriptural literature, bible studies, apologetics, slide shows, free graphics, Christian fiction, Christian short stories, testimonials and free pc bibles named e-sword. Visit Cross Faith at:
JCL Ministries, currently a internet based ministry, operates out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. JCL Ministries' current ministry mandate focuses on encouraging an intimate, intense, personal relationship with God. The journey begins to a deeper relationship with God through dealing with the heart issues and wounds that need to be healed to move on to the next level in Him. Read their articles at:
Katherine Ruonalasings to spread the good news of the grace and love of God to a world looking for real answers. Her first album, 'Faithful', expresses her desire to dwell in the house of the Lord and gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. Find out more at: See also Prophetic Evangelism
Hillsong Music Australia contempory Christian music and worship. Find out all their latest news and more or order a CD or DVD at:
Endless Grace International - a gift to the nations.Lesley Mathews launched Endless Grace International to help support the work of various Christian Missions in overseas countries -
particularly 2 families who are working to help the people of Thailand and Cambodia. She has recorded two worship albums featuring original Christian Music and a collection of worship songs that have blessed believers worldwide - 'Endless Grace' & 'Never The Same'. You can help support Christian Missions today by purchasing a worship album or personal greeting cards from:
'Open your eyes & look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.' Lesley is also available for leading worship at conferences etc. .........................
IHOPInternational House Of Prayer (in Kansas City, Missouri) is a 24-hour a day ministry of “Worship with Intercession” in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David. Since September 19th, 1999, they have continued in non-stop intercession with worship and fasting teams covering 365 days a year. Currently, over 400 people serve on the full-time IHOP-KC staff in intercession, worship and fasting as they are being equipped to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching out in evangelism, prophetic ministry, healing the sick and providing for the poor.
New Day Ministrieswas established by Pastors Tom & Katherine Ruonala to spread the good news of the grace and love of God to a world looking for real answers. To contact New Day Ministries regarding ministry at your church or conference please write to . Find out more at:
Teaching Ministry
Insight for Living - The Bible Teaching Ministry of Charles R. Swindoll. With offices in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the United Kingdom, Insight for Living proclaims God’s Word around the world. Their broadcast can be heard in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, with plans to add more languages soon. See their wonderful resources and find out more at: and
FOUNTAIN OF LIFE MINISTRIES was founded in Australia by Pastors Paul and Gemma Brunne. Their aim is to: * Preach to those who will hear
* Evangelise those who are hungry
* Train up those who are willing
* Equip those who are ready
* Release those whom God has called.
You can visit them at:
Their vision is to have a place where people can come and learn the simplicity of Christ without the distractions of Organized Religion. Unlearning what religion has taught they see to be a vital and necessary first step. Once a foundation is laid, they then build upon that foundation and provide additional teaching, training, and instruction. The goal is spiritual maturity, and in accomplishing this they feel like they satisfy something in God's heart, in their heart, and in the hearts of those people who would come to them. As part of this you can receive daily devotionals to exhort you in your walk with Christ.
To learn more visit them at:
WINGS Women of INfluence Growing Stronger. TMI WINGS' mission is to teach women that they are women of influence and they will grow stronger as they submit to God's LOVE in their lives. This ministry is designed so that any woman can participate in her own home or that a group of women can meet and share. It is designed to be flexible. It is designed to reach into the homes of the isolated women and help them to take a step out of their front door to influence their world as much as it is designed for women who already have a circle of influence. WINGS groups are starting up in many different countries as women are blessed by, and becoming a blessing through, this ministry. If you want to embrace this vision and would like to start a group in your local area or if you have any suggestions for outreach then please email Kimberley at .
Fountain of Life was founded by Apostle Kimberly Dube in Zimbabwe, Africa. They are committed to leadership development,church planting and intercession ministry.
Universal Gospel Assembly International was founded in 1983. Universal Gospel Assembly Pakistan (Regd) is an independent and self-support organization working on faith.The teachings of this assembly is perfectly according to the book of Acts and congregation is at work with unity of Holy Spirit. Assembly is doing a great work as a living witness with power of Holy Spirit. By the joint efforts of the evangelists, thousands of people have received an new life in Jesus Christ and has been united in oneness of God.
The Assembly's ardent and passionate ambition is that every person should as possible, reach to the perfection in love, holiness and sanctity of our Heavenly Father. Assembly loves every believer without any discrimination and is continuously praying for those who are facing some difficulties and problems.
The most important aim of assembly is to prepare the congregation for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The momentous vision of U.G.A. is to bind together all the assemblies in love by breaking all the barrier by affiliating various assemblies to fulfill the great ambition of Jesus Christ, as stated in John 17:22,23. " I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one I in them and you in me ". They like the completion of the body of Christ in this way and preach the unfailing love of God.
Their view of affiliation is: 1-Unity among all believers.
2-The children of the Kingdom of God should Know each other on this earth personally or by correspondence.
3-To pray for each other spiritual and physical needs.
4-To share the word of God and spiritual blessings by preaching the Gospel in each other country.
5-To encourage each other by written testimony, guidance and progress detail in the work of God.
Visit their web-site:
Worldwide Gospel Army Missions
Apostle and Prophet Michael Bacon of New River Ministries, Wake Forest, NC along with Apostle and Pastor Clement Ezomo of Strait Gate International Church, Eleme - Port Hartcourt, Nigeria have come together to form a network of Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and Missionaries to reach the world. Worldwide Gospel Army Missions was created to meet the need of many ministries throughout the world who are struggling to find people, resources, and funding to spread the gospel. For the harvest is ripe for picking, but the laborers are too few. This global ministry will connect laborers and funding to ministries to reach the world.
Find out more and join at:
Australian Christian Churches is an alliance of contemporary churches committed to communicating Christianity within Australian society through vibrant church services, relevant preaching, and practical community care.
There are almost 1,500 churches affiliated with Australian Christian Churches. In 2001, approximately 10,000 new members joined churches affiliated with Australian Christian Churches. Church denominations and groups which are members of Australian Christian Churches include:
Connexions International Ltd was formally established in October 2008 when the Directors prayerfully determined to take the former Australian Fellowship of Faith Churches and Minsters International (AFFCMI) into a new stage of development. It is important to note that AFFCMI laid a very good foundation over many years and the work and commitment of those who established it is acknowledge and valued. Connexions International provide you with an avenue for assistance, fellowship and ministry that is relational based and God inspired, so please take full advantage of what they have to offer whenever you need to.
Find out more at:
World Christian Ministries Association WCMA's mission is to encourage, mediate, and orchestrate the distribution of spiritual and non-spiritual wealth of the Body of Christ to less fortunate Christians around the world. WCMA will accomplish this by promoting and developing Apostolic Pentecostal Christianity, Peace, Justice, and improved Health and Welfare around the world via the following objectives:
* Develop International WCMA Centers and affiliated WCMA Cooperatives networked with local churches irrespective of their Apostolic Pentecostal Organizational affiliation. We want to be inclusive not exclusive.
* Establish WCMA Cooperatives: Primary and secondary Schools, Housing, Agribusiness, Commerce, Health Clinics, Orphanages, and Hospitals.
* Promote Visiting Programs via an international Volunteer Human Resources data bank for: Ministers, Health Professionals, Teachers, and a milieu of other Professionals and paraprofessionals. Please reach out to others to volunteer and join our Volunteer HR Data Bank.
* Expand Virtual Campus Education for: Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctorate Programs.
* Expand Training/Internship Scholarships.
* Expand Global Evangelism. Find out more at:
New River Ministries is an Apostolic ministry that equips Christians in the fivefold ministry that they may go to the nations!
Apostle Michael Bacon and Worship leader Lyn Bacon are called to lead revival ministries throughout the world. Michael is an overseer of "Worldwide Gospel Army Missions" - An Apostolic Network to Minsters and Ministries throughout the world.
You can visit them at:
The Baptist Union of Australia Baptist churches developed as a separate group within the Christian Church is because they are absolutely committed to the idea of freedom. They believe every individual believer is free to access God and serve Him in his or her own way (within biblical lines). For this reason Baptist churches are often very different from each other. Some are very traditional, others very radical, and others are somewhere between. They have no prayer book, no bishops, no heirarchies. They are committed to each church being free to shape its own style, language and ministry. They are unified under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They are unified in our core Biblical beliefs and Baptist distinctives. They unite around a common vision to demonstrate the love of God and share the life-changing message of Jesus within our local communities.See more at:
"I think people choose the Wesleyan Church because it’s theology places it at the "radical middle". The radical middle is a place where the movement of the Holy Spirit is emphasised but not at the expense of character change; a place where worship is emphasised but not to the exclusion of the Word; a place of evangelism and discipleship; of meeting and mission; of sanctification and service." Lex Akers, Sth Qld District Superintendent. Read more at:
house2house Their mission is to help saturate and transform communities with radical, home-based church planting movements.
They encourage these types of movements through the publication of House2House magazine, newsletters, books, and this website. They also host conferences, and training seminars where they strive not only to model home church, but also train others to plant home churches that multiply. Find out more at:
The purpose of this website is to encourage Christian believers all around Australia to recognize and help to develop a new and exciting form of the Body of Christ; the church in the home. There are many Australians who for reasons out of their control are unable to be involved in "church" in the way we have been accustomed to over the years. In addition, there are many Australian believers who are feeling led by the Lord Jesus to begin ministry in their homes. The rise of this phenomenon is completely consistent with the Bible and is consistent with the way that the Holy Spirit is guiding His people at this time. We believe that when believers meet in homes that it brings the gospel to the very foundation of our culture and nation and opens the door for a new and vibrant experience.Find out more at:
House Church Centralis dedicated to the growing house church movement and endeavors to provide house churches with: A channel for the interchange of ideas; A source for solid, Christian theology; A catalog of resources for the house church. Find out more at:
NTRF "What we advocate has been termed house church, home church, simple church, family church, relational church, organic church, micro church and biblical church.
Whatever you call it, the idea is to be faithful to the intent of the original Apostles in our church life"
Find out more at:
Harvestime International Network Includes Harvestime Bible Institute - the source of the Ames Bible College materials. Can help your church set up your own Bible College and equip your people for service in the Kingdom of God. To find out more go to:
Ames Bible College & Ames Christian University. Two different methods of online biblical training: 1) Ames Bible college Free Program 2) Ames Bible College Accredited Study Program. The 87 credits from the Accredited Study Program are transferable at Ames Christian University towards a BA degree in Biblical Studies. You can also go on to earn a MA and doctorate at Ames Christian University. This Bible College Course is awesome! If you desire to be fully equipped for your ministry in God then get stuck into it. And you can do it all for FREE so there's no reason to delay your training in God.
Christian Learning Center for all learning levels — without cost or obligation. Online courses are available without cost or obligation as a service of RBC Ministries, publishers of the Our Daily Bread devotional. A starting point for supporting your spiritual growth and development. They have courses and resources for all learning levels, so take a look at their catalog of courses -- all offered without cost or obligation as a service of RBC Ministries, publishers of Our Daily Bread.
Announcing FREE Continuing Education Online Certificate Programs! Earn a Certificate In Bible and other subjects.
Therapon University Online training. Therapon University accepts prior completed studies from other schools, seminars, workshops, conferences, ministry experience, and leadership training for applied credits. You may very well already possess many of the required Biblical credits for any one of Therapon's degree programs. You will never know until they individually study your Evaluation Application. Therapon offers non-liberal arts degrees in: Associate of Biblical Theology or Biblical Counseling; Bachelor of Biblical Theology or Biblical Counseling or Restorative Justice; Master of Biblical Theology or Biblical Counseling or Restorative Justice; Doctor of Theology in Biblical Theology or of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling or of Philosophy in Restorative Justice. You take just one course at a time, work at your own pace, and send in workbooks as they are completed. Accredited By A.A.A.T.I. American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions
Vision UniversityThe Vision International Education Network offers both academic and vocational degree programs designed to prepare men and women for professional service in Christian Ministry and Community Service. Vision offers flexible and affordable distance education and online learning programs from Certificate to Doctorate. Vision also offers dynamic local church-based training via its Resource Center outreach programs in 126 nations worldwide. The Vision International Education Network consists of four independently governed institutions (including one in Australia) united by a common commitment to deliver high quality education to the nations of the world in the spirit of Christian mission.
Jewish Roots Institute Provides a unique learning experience with opportunity for a student at any level interested in the study of Biblical culture, first century Judaism, and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Study the Bible as it was given, set in the soil of the land of Israel and the Jewish people. Discover a depth of information seldom taught in churches, synagogues, Bible schools or seminaries. Our purpose is to rediscover the authentic background of scripture with greater understanding while also obtaining academic qualifications. Find out more at:
The Sure Foundation Theolohical Institute An Interdenominational School Celebrating over 33 years of ministry * Bible-based, convenient distance learning * 12 text books & videos on CD-Rom included
* Immediate private access online to all courses
* Up to 95% funding of all tuition costs
* Instructors Licensing and Training included
* Become certified in as little as 60 days
* Proven, tried and tested accelerated program
You can find lots more links to Bible Study Resources in our Renewal Bible CollegeOnline Resource Centre
Bible Senders - Get a Free Bible...
The entire mission and sole purpose of Bible Senders is to give "FREE" bibles to anyone who asks, anywhere in the world, no questions asked! Our hope is that if you CAN afford to buy your own Bible, that you will buy 2 and send us one so we can give it away for free! However, if you can't afford to buy a Bible, this is the place to get your free bible!
"Freely you received, freely give." (Matthew 10:8) Jesus told us that since we've been blessed we should bless others. Rick Meyers provides this blessing to others in the form of free Bible study software!
As a Bible student and teacher he has experienced the necessary work involved in searching the Scriptures for the competent preparation of a Bible study, Sunday school lesson, or a sermon. There are volumes of books available as study tools (and the Christian community is indebted to the various authors' perseverance and scholarship), but there is not enough time, money, or shelf space to properly take advantage of these resources. Computer software has changed the way we can study the Word of GOD. With a simple search or click of the mouse button, we now have access to these same volumes of scholarship within seconds! e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.
For on-line Bibles, concordances, Bible dictionaries and commentaries, visit the following sites:
Listen to the Bible in a year is designed for those who don't always want to read but do want to have daily bible input. This site is also for the blind or seeing impaired.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library An extensive collection of classic Christian writings
Anointed Christian Links "The best Christian sites from A to Z" - listing thousands of non-commercial Christian sites!
spiritrestorationoffers, on the web, a vast array of Christian resources from different perspectives.
FACT (Faith Action for Community Transformation) INDIA - By His grace FACT are empowering indigenous believers in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
They have been preaching the Good News and serving the poor and needy. By the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost they have been doing Evangelism; Church Planting, Outreaches, Crusades, Pastors Training, Youth Camps, Sunday School Training, Help for the Abused & Neglected Children, Reaching to un-reached People. Preaching, Teaching, and conducting Crusades, Revival meetings in rural and urban areas, Helping the poor, Needy, Orphans, Street Children, Widows, Aged, Prostitutes, and Hungry people and have been implementing various Community development Programs, Relief, Rehabilitation and Humanitarian help for the past 20 Years. They are working based on Matthew 5:15; Mark 16:16; this is faith-based Missionary Organization, have been transforming the community with the Gospel and the Social work. They have been working along with 55 full time Pastors and 25 full time Community Development Staff, working in 54 Villages in 4 Revenue Mandals in the Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
To find our more and support this vital ministry go to:
In each aspect of Gospel for Asia’s ministry, the primary aim is to plant churches among the unreached — those who have never heard the Gospel.
Sending Native Missionaries
Gospel for Asia trains and sends native missionaries because they have proven extremely effective. They are already familiar with the language and culture, and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers.
100 Percent Goes to the Field
Gospel for Asia sends 100 percent of the money you donate for work on the mission field to the field. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses.
To get involved in planting churches among the unreached go to:
The Back to Jerusalem Their aim is to inform and challenge Christians around the world to prayer and involvement with the Chinese Church as they take the Gospel to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu nations of the world. The Back to Jerusalem vision is something that thousands of Chinese Christians are willing to die for. The The Back to Jerusalem vision is a passion for the house churches of China. They pray about it daily, dream about it, and talk about it over breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Back to Jerusalem vision is the driving force of their lives and ministries. Many feel it is God's ultimate call and destiny for the Chinese Church, the very reason they exist! Back to Jerusalem refers to a call from God for the Chinese Church to preach the Gospel and establish fellowships of believers in all the countries, cities, towns, and ethnic groups between China and Jerusalem. This vision is no small task, for within those nations lay the three largest spiritual strongholds in the world today that have yet to be conquered by the Gospel: the giants of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Find out more at:
Heart of God Ministries An interdenominational mission agency focusing the unreached of the 10/40 Window with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We specialize in long-term mission training and church mobilization through publications and seminars. Our desire is to challenge the Church to wholly submit their lives to King Jesus and find out what their part is in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Then, for those that have heard His call to GO to the unreached for long-term church-planting, we offer a very practical five-month training program which teaches many crucial lessons that will help missionaries to thrive on the field. Finally, HGM also serves as a sending agency and can help missionaries find a qualified team and reach their destination on the field. Visit them at:
Voice of the Martyrs a global perspective on the persecution of God's children.
To learn more about today's persecuted church request a FREE subscription to their monthly newsletter:
Other sites
from Voice of the Martyrs: find out how you can help those imprisoned for their faith. Bibles Unbound members have the opportunity to mail New Testaments in the appropriate language directly to our persecuted brothers and sisters. Kids of Courage site still helps kids, parents, and teachers “link up” through prayer and projects with today's heroes of the Christian faith. read encouraging testimonies of those overcoming persecution and finding freedom in Christ weblog about the persecution of Christians around the world forums
www.basicfellowship.compractical means of help
New Life Power Gospel Fellowship -India Siani and Suphala Harpal founded New Life Power Gospel Fellowship as a Christ-centered, mission-oriented, Spirit-filled, Bible-based missionary organization established with the purpose to reach the unreached with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve the poor community. It is registered with the Government of India.
With 940 million people living in 1.2 million square miles of land, there are 3,000 tribes and people groups in India. Eighty percent (80%) of the total population lives in 63,149 villages. While 1,650 languages are spoken, the complete Bible is translated in only in 46 languages. India has more unreached people groups than any country in the world.
Pastor in Residence Ministry's mission is to encourage and support pastors in the vocational transitions of their lives, providing them with spiritual and emotional support and networking them with churches and other ministries which provide opportunities to process unresolved personal conflict for possible re-entry into full-time service. Christian leaders separated from an opportunity for ministry often feel isolated and abandoned. They are literally the walking wounded who then get wounded again by insensitive churches and the very community that they seek to serve.
Where does a servant of God turn for help when the issues are pastoral burnout, a minister's struggles with identity, tensions in a church that escalate to pastoral self-doubts about calling and/or spousal strains that become sustained warfare? Pastor-in-Residence Ministries was created to provide a supportive atmosphere and a helping hand in facing those issues. It offers grace without strings and points to a compassionate Christ.
For more on this ministry of healing and restoration see:
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was founded in 1980 as an evangelical Christian response to the need to comfort Zion according to the command of scripture found in Isaiah 40:1-2. To learn more about our Hebraic roots and join in comforting and declaring God's purpose to the Jewish people visit:
Bridges for Peaceis a Jerusalem-based, Bible-believing Christian organization supporting Israel and building relationships between Christians and Jews worldwide through education and practical deeds expressing God's love and mercy. Find out more about Christians and Jews working side by side for better understanding and a more secure Israel at:
TorahBytes is a short weekly commentary on the written word of God from a messianic perspective. Torah means teaching. It is the teaching of God to point us in the right direction. In its most narrow sense, the Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The ancient rabbis also recognized (and rightly so!) that Torah was more than just these Five Books. God's Torah encompasses all of God's revelation.
With this understanding they draw primarily from the weekly synagogue Torah portions. While the Five Books are foundational in our understanding of God, we need to understand them in the fuller context of the whole Scriptures, both Old and New Covenants writings. TorahBytes is written from a messianic perspective, meaning that our understanding of the Torah is in light of the coming of the Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth. Yeshua came as promised in the Hebrew Scriptures. It is through faith in him, his death and his resurrection, that we know God as he intended, free from sin and the threat of condemnation.
Jewish Roots Institute Provides a unique learning experience with opportunity for a student at any level interested in the study of Biblical culture, first century Judaism, and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Study the Bible as it was given, set in the soil of the land of Israel and the Jewish people. Discover a depth of information seldom taught in churches, synagogues, Bible schools or seminaries. Our purpose is to rediscover the authentic background of scripture with greater understanding while also obtaining academic qualifications. See:
Watchword Revival Resource Center The purpose of the Watchword is to call the Church to a lifestyle of fervent prayer and preparation for a revival of Apostolic Christianity. Their goal is to publish stirring messages and articles that will impart HOPE, VISION and ZEAL for a genuine CHRIST centred revival. It is their prayerful conviction that a visitation of God is eminent. Therefore they are committed to trumpet the prophetic call to watch and pray. "Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make His paths straight". Matthew 3:3
Revivals Past & PresentChristian Word presents articles and sermons on: History of Revivals, Preparation for Revival, Characteristics of Revival, Revival News, Revivalists
New Media Studio builds cost-effective websites for small business. For more than eight years they have been designing clean, simple, fast and effective websites.