Renewal Ministries Fellowship
March 26, 2025 ......................"..we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor. 4:5)
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  Jesus' life:


Welcome to

Renewal Ministries Fellowship was founded to foster Holy SpiritChristian unity and mobilise the body of Christ in our calling to exalt Jesus that He may draw all people to Himself, to the glory of the Father. We seek God and pray the Holy Spirit bring renewal (rebirth, regeneration, restoration, rekindling, revitalisation, replenishment and revival) to our lives and throughout the earth. Our desire is that every disciple of Christ may be encouraged in heart and united in love, the bride of Christ (His church) preparing for our Lord Jesus' second coming.

People from every church and denomination, every tribe and nation, Around the Worldare coming together, united by God's love for our world and the hope we have in Christ Jesus. You are invited to join this fellowship of believers from around the world as we unite together to take the gospel into every corner of every nation. This coming together of the body of Christ enables us to learn from one another, working together with appreciation for the different strengths and gifts of each. Our uniting across the divides of this world gives powerful testimony to the reality of Jesus Christ. "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they may be one, as You, Father, are in me, and I in You; that they may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." (John 17:20-21)

We live in exciting times - the Christian Church is growing at a crossstaggering rate around the world. In no other generation have there been more people making a first-time commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people groups who had been closed to the gospel now have open hearts eager to hear and respond to the Good News. The cross of Christ is transforming individuals and whole communities. Such exponential growth necessitates discipling the new believers and equipping them for ministry.

This Web-Site has been designed to provide valuable resources for Biblethe whole Christian Community - you can find many free resources to serve your walk with God and ministry to others in our Online_Library, Online_Bibles & Links pages. We also offer free materials for Discipling and Ministry Training.

RMF honours the Hebraic roots of Christianity, that Jesus and all the Menorahfirst disciples were Jewish and built their lives on the Hebrew scriptures. Jesus said "salvation is from the Jews" (John 4:22) and Paul affirmed that the gentiles who come to Christ are grafted into the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people (Romans 9:4-5 and Romans 15:27). In response to this and such scriptures as Genesis 12:3, Psalm 122:6-8, Isaiah 40:1-2, & Romans 11, we seek to bless the Jewish people, pray for the peace of Jerusalem and declare the Good News of God's salvation to both Jews and Gentiles.

We pray you are blessed and encouraged as you explore this site and join with us in exalting Jesus Christ!

Renewal -Rebirth, Regeneration, Restoration, Rekindling, Revitalisation, Replenishment & Revival. Exalting Jesus - Restoring, Equipping, Releasing & Supporting People...


Equipping, Uniting & Mobilizing the
Body of Christ

Equipping Christians everywhere to live in the fullness of Jesus Christ...
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United in ChristUniting Christians in different churches, tribes and nations ...
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3 nations ministering
Mobilizing - from all nations into all the world with the Good News
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 Registered Charity ACNC
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© 2020 Renewal Ministries Fellowship
"...May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me
and have

loved them..." (John 17:23)